January 7, 2011

If then.....

"...you have been raised up with Christ (to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead)aim at and seek the (rich eternal treasures) that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. and set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not the things that are on the earth. For (as far as the world is concerned) you have died, and your (new, real) life is hidden with Christ in God."  Colossians 3:1-3 The Applified Version

If then, you are dead, but well beloved, you are rich in heavenly treasures, you are capable of doing all God asks of you, you have purpose in worshiping Him, freedom from sin, belonging, righteousness, purity…all because of Christ. If then, since, therefore these things are true about you, then AFTER you believe them, then, get up and allow Christ to do these things. Paul then in chapters 3-6 gives us guidelines for holy living. These guidelines are easy when we believe the truth in the first two chapters. They flow with overflowing grace and freedom.

I love Colossians. I just finished an inductive study of it with two other couples. I love it’s brevity. I love how Paul when he wrote to the believers never began any of his letters to them on a negative note. He never begins with a rebuke, he never begins with a command to follow. He simply reminds them in the first several chapters of every book he wrote WHO THEY ARE, becauseChrist has made the final sacrifice. He tells them each time of all the riches they have. He expounds on the benefits, the foundation of the truth. He tells them they have hope.

Hope for the future, hope to be successful in righteousness. Hope because we have died and He has Risen!

I made this Commitment booklet, Colossians in a Year. You can make one too! Ann from Holy Experience blogged about it yesterday. She has provided ooodles of great helps on memorization and the cover and pages for the booklet free for us to download and use. The booklet is a beautifully planned way to put this lovely text of Colossians to memory in one year. Which is two verses a week. I am thrilled to be putting such a wealth of perspective and reassurance of value deep into my mind deep into my heart and deep into the world around me this year as I learn these verses.

If then, you are dead, but well beloved, you are rich in heavenly treasures, you are capable of doing all God asks of you, you have purpose in worshiping Him, freedom from sin, belonging, righteousness, purity…

If then this be true, how will I live today?

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