This is a chronical of our mini unit on time. It is part of our journey into living math. For a few weeks at a time we play math games to learn and reinforce addition and subtraction facts. Then we enter into a project for another few weeks on a particular theme. This mini unit is based upon
this lapbook I found at Currclick called 000 Clocks and Time Management by Dori Oakes. I highly recommend her creations. They are wonderfully put together and the price is very affordable. (.50 cents for this one)
We collected all our mini books, projects and worksheets into this fun lapbook. The cover clock can be found in the
lapbook mentioned above. The boys are able to do more of the writing so I am no longer printing out the words for them so they can paste them on. I think their handwritng adds a wonderful child-like look to the finished book which I love.
These words were a fun way to get started on all the various ways we measure time. We played concetration with them and go fish. Then we dove into the different aspects of time measurement one by one. They are part of the Clocks and Time Management lapbook.
We used
these cards periodically to learn the relationships between different ways to mark or measure time.
This is a timeline of T.J's life thus far. I made it by cutting some printer paper to the right size for the space they had. Then I taped them together and marked off the years with a sharpie. Max's is two years longer (one extra page) because he is 1 1/2 years older than his brothers.
They drew little pictures of how they were as they grew. They began with a baby, then a child crawling, then a child walking and with no diapers. Yeah, they are potty trained! Then they drew a truck to show when we moved house and a book to show when they started school. Max added that during his sixth year he lost 3 teeth.
1. copywork of this poem: (I used startwrite to create it.)
Days of the Month
Thirty days hath September, April, June and November; February has twenty eight alone all the rest have thirty one. Except in leap year thats the time when February's days are twenty nine.
3. Took apart a calendar and put the months in order.
5. Made this
interactive calendar FREE at to use the claendar through out this year marking special days etc.
This mini book is part of the OHC Time lapbook mentioned above.
We also did some copy work of the days of the week found at
copy cat.
This is T.J.'s worksheet.
I used
Math Mammouth worksheets because the step by step instructions are superb!
From the worksheets in the OHC lapbook I cut out the clocks and made these "What time is it when I..." cards and the clock bingo game below. The bingo we used quite a bit so I spent them money to laminate them. We put the "What time is it when I..." cards in order of the day starting with waking up. It was too funny...I forgot to add a card for dinner. :) OOOOPs!
We used this game ALOT! Once the boys had the concepts of telling time down, this little game reinforced the ideas again and again. I gave out raisins, nuts, rice crackers, ritz crackers etc. for bingo prizes.