June 20, 2015

Moving On

I apologize for my silence this past year. It has been one full year of many new things and I just have not had time to post anything here. I hope no one was disappointed about the silence. 

We have made some big changes, my husband took job at an international school which meant that the boys could attend the same school for free. Yippee! It was a great opportunity for all of us to grow and face new challenges. The school was a nice transition from our home education to a more structured system and since the class sizes were small and the philosophy of the school to meet kids where they were at we felt it would not be too much of a change. We did have many gaps in the content which the boys have very expertly filled and they have enjoyed having friends to do school with and the adventure of leaving home each day. As my dh also went with them I have had long free days that I was sorely needing. I began to paint and draw again and fill my hours with much need physical activity.

The school we were involved with, QSI or Quality Schools Internaltional has many schools throughout the world most of which are in Eastern Europe, and Asia although the school my dh and boys went was in the Middle East. In February the country we were in became politically volatile so we were brought to Slovenia to finish out the school year. The boys are enjoying a boat ride on the famous Lake Bled below.

While in Slovenia my dh applied for other jobs within the QSI school system and was offered one that was of particular interest to us, a job teaching secondary math in Kiev, Ukraine. So we are now heading there in the fall. We are home in Oregon and Washington for the summer visiting family and friends before we head out for another great adventure. 

I won't be working next year so I plan to continue painting and drawing and learning other handy skills like knitting and crocheting and some paper arts like quilling. I hope in the future to gain a teaching certificate so I can teach art 

I will leave the blog up for anyone to use and if you want to see what I am up to I have created a new blog about my art endeavors called art365.blogspot.com Stop by if you like. I won't be posting however until the fall.

Bye for now!
